Monday 13 September 2010

Investigation/Experemntation 3

With these orbs i created, i put them onto the picture on the right. I done some editing to this picture aswell as adding the orbs.

To start with i added some bubbles to put behind the green orb to create the efect that its been moving around. I did this by using the brush tool and editing the brush like before with the space, size and the fading. I then changed the colours of the bubbles to match the orb and finaly lowered the opacity.

I then went on to editing the whole picture by decreasing the shadows and highlights. this made her stand out more than before. Also i put a green light on her face and around her body. I did this by selecting the quick mast mode and using the brush tool to shade parts of her. I then pressed Shift + CTRL + I to invert my selection and eventualy went on to change the colour to match the orb by using the colour levels and editing them.
I then did this for a blue light on her around the blue orb. to do this i used the same method except i changed the hue / saturation instead of editing the colour levels.

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