Tuesday 21 September 2010

Photoshop lizard

here i have created a lizard with a hippos head on it. To do this I started off by dragging a picture of a hippos head onto a picture of the lizard. I then free transformed the hippos head to line it up with the lizards neck. After doing that I then went on to changing the colour of the hippos head to match the lizard. I then added a layer mask on top of the layer of the hippo and selected the brush tool and blended in the lizard body to the hippos head.

After this made the inside of the hippos mouth pink again by using a quick mask and the brush tool. Once it was pink I then used the same method to get the colour of his eye back as well as the inside of his ear. Finally on this part I changed the colour levels of the image to make it look better.

After doing all of this I went on to putting a blue layer in the background to make a contrast.

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